Forgive me for assuming this guy is a JW just because he has a window washing business but if the shoe fits.....
i am trying to get in contact with clive wren from the uk.
he served in croydon, gujarati and lymington.. not sure if he is still active or not.. if he is still serving the name of his congregation would be amazing.. thanks.
Forgive me for assuming this guy is a JW just because he has a window washing business but if the shoe fits.....
yesterday i was looking to share a pic with a friend of mine, and i swore it was in my photo albums (i have 3).
so i start going through them, and i see so many jw pics!
i had a huge group of friends when i was 'in', and so there is just pic after pic of assemblies, dinners, game nights, rbc projects, my family and the house i grew up in, people from the hall, etc.
" and so there is just pic after pic of assemblies, dinners, game nights, RBC projects, my family and the house I grew up in, people from the hall, etc. And I started crying..."
Yep....who of us hasn't had a moment or two just like that oruselves?? Sometimes we look at the past with rose colored glasses and are tempted to go back to the familiar and recreate the past only to find out the hard way that the old saying "you can't go home" is really true.
Fortunately you were wise enough to realize this and you quickly recovered.
there are a few active jws i know (separate, in different areas) who basically celebrate new years, having a party to watch the ball drop, posting about it on social media, one even saying literally "happy new year" .
but most other jws seem to not want to point out the elephant in the room.
has anybody else seen this, or ever seen it turn judicial?
The JW's I knew who got together on New Years Eve and did the count down etc, were also the ones who would hold a formal "Oscar" party on the night the Academy awards were given out in Hollywood. This was also a bit "iffy" but no one said anything about it (to anyones face at least).
this is an absolute must see for any exjw.
so we'll done and absolutly halerious.
enjoy peeps.
Those who swoon with surprise over JW organization having its own department for handling these sorts of arrangements reveal their own remarkable naïveté.
Very naive to think anyone is swooning over this however I'd have thought that the Legal Dept. would have handled the intake of donated properties but obviously there's enough of it going on to justify having an entire separate department dedicated to this. I'm a former Bethelite myself and my Sister in Law works in the Legal Department and this is news to me.
(Now...where are my smelling salts??)
for all the newbies and lurkers who have been indoctrinated that jw`s are the only ones who know and use the name of jehovah/.
and i don`t know how to put it up here ,oh well i tried .
Interesting.... like JW's who claim to be different from the world, the Marines also sing praises to Jehovah by watching videos prepared for them by their leaders and by reading lyrics shown on a flat screen television mounted on a wall in front of their meeting place.
Who knew??
exodus 17:8-16 new international version (niv)the amalekites defeated8 the amalekites came and attacked the israelites at rephidim.
9 moses said to joshua, “choose some of our men and go out to fight the amalekites.
tomorrow i will stand on top of the hill with the staff of god in my hands.”10 so joshua fought the amalekites as moses had ordered, and moses, aaron and hur went to the top of the hill.
I wonder why God didn't send in an angel or two to kill off the Amalekites the way he did in Egypt when all of the first born Egyptian children and livestock were killed in one night.
Then again, I'm probably using foolish human reasoning.
this is an absolute must see for any exjw.
so we'll done and absolutly halerious.
enjoy peeps.
I watched the video and came away with a few thoughts:
This is what I know about dealing with grief:
if i was an author of a book i think i would be over the moon if i was guaranteed a sale of around 5 million or more books for my work.. the jehovah`s witnesses have over 8 million members plus relatives that are fringe dwellers who come to the memorial once a year ,.
so what a gold mine they have been sitting on as a publishing house .. why didn`t they keep publishing books for the faithful ,they could have even upped the price , and the faithful would have paid especially in prosperous country`s in the west.. they could have milked this venture for years to come as the faithful would have bought anything they would have published .. and their prophets (profits) would have soared ,literally and figuratively for many more years to come ..
Why didn`t they keep publishing books for the faithful ,they could have even upped the price , and the faithful would have paid especially in prosperous country`s in the west.
If the GB were good business people they would stop shunning so that people would leave and they could sell more kingdom halls off
I'm sure that some current JW's would claim that these seemingly bad business moves on the part of the GB and their willingness to continue getting rid of members by DF-ing them is proof that they aren't in it for the money.
A few years ago the GB were horrified by anything related to the internet and shuddered at the very idea of JW's having anything to do with it. Now they are enthusiastically embracing it via their own website and by providing internet service in the Bethel residences and offices. I have the feeling that their connections with the outside printing world led them to the conclusion that they needed get on board the cyberspace band wagon before it was too late. They realized that they could bring in just as much money with far less effort by providing "virtual" spiritual food rather than a physical product.
I'm half expecting to hear one day that they'll convince the flock that loyalty to Jehovah and supporting his organization involves having a monthly subscription to their website just like they used to have for the magazines.
They could provide "special" insights or topics for discussion each month that would be covered in the upcoming meetings and only those with subscriptions would be privy to it via the Kingdom Hall WiFi using their ipads. The really righteous families would be encouraged to have a subscription for each member of the family, just like they used to encourage us to do with the magazine subscriptions.
A mere $1monthly subscription from each JW would bring them 8 million extra each month or $96 million per year without having to use a single drop of ink or sheet of paper. That might just about cover the law suit settlements that seem to be happening lately on a regular basis these days.
one of the witness rebuttals that is used to belittle the christmas holiday is the one where they say that people reduce jesus christ to being just a baby in a manger, whereas the witnesses recognize him as a mighty king, a much more accurate and current way to view jesus.
a baby in a manger is a sweet sight on any day, it's true, but more is going on than meets the eye in the case of jesus.
this particular baby is the first baby to have been born without an earthly father, the immaculate conception.
@ Myelaine me this seems like more of the same skewed human logic where daisy chained bible verses are stretched to the maximum in order to force them to marginally apply to modern day situations.